Launched in 2002 by the Romane Section of l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (C.N.R.S., UPR 841), the JONAS project aims at the computerization of the completeness of the documentation of the team of research: directory of texts and medieval manuscripts of oc and of oïl; notes of manuscripts; bibliographical files.

Jonas thrown back by the fish in front of Ninive
At the beginning of Jonas's book
Bible historiale, trad. Moulins Guiart
Paris, between 1320 and 1337
Paris, Bibl. Saint-Geneviève, ms. 0021, F 109v
Link towards Jonas's site:
The database Jonas is fed by two different ways:
1. Section Romane ensures a bibliographic and enjoy the spoils of journals and monographs to learn gradually sheets works and manuscripts not hagiographic. This may be the occasion of a retrospective bibliography, however, listings of works and manuscripts may then remain incomplete. Initially, we are not looking for completeness that the publications issued since 2000. Bibliography entry will be by prior corpus.
2. A systematic review was undertaken for a thematic corpus, hagiography (Leurquin Anne-Francoise Marie-Laure Savoy), now completed. This work will be gradually extended to other fields of religious literature.